On Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 04:40:18PM -0000, Curt wrote:
> On 2023-09-29, <to...@tuxteam.de> <to...@tuxteam.de> wrote:


> >> Sigh. Lose the misinformation crap, please. It's getting tedious.
> > He-said-she-said.
> >
> https://wiki.debian.org/SteveMcIntyre
>  Steve McIntyre 

C'mon, Curt. You can better. Nearly everyone around here knows who Steve
is. I sure do, and I respect him a lot, but I don't have to agree with
him every time.

>  UEFI Secure Boot is not an attempt by Microsoft to lock Linux out of the PC
>  market here;

This part is just a statement of opinion (and as such not really veryfiable),
with which I disagree strongly. The rest...

>  SB is a security measure to protect [...]

is a technical description, which is veryfiable and makes sense. Microsoft
is (as are all bigger corporations) an opportunistic entity. Google, for
example is a search engine, but at the same time a device to gather data
about you and to sell targeted ads. Why should they be mutually exclusive?

> Get a life (or change those wikis to reflect *your* truth)!

I'm not willing to discuss with you on this terms. I'm done. Go have your
last word.


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