On 26.10.2023 18:39, Hans wrote:
Hi folks,

is there a very easy way, if I want to install packages from trixie oder sid
into my bookworm installation?

I read about apt pinning, but as far as I understood, I have to name
explicitily each package I want to install from sid. This can be much work,
when installing a high number of packages.

I suppose, I then have also to install all dependencies of the packaes from
sid, even if they are related to the system.

In my case I wanted to install virtualbox from sid, as it has all packages
ready. However, virtualbox requires and depends also the newer gcc compiler
and some compiler libs, thus I took distance from installing for now.

At the moment I am not using pinning. My actual way of doing is

1. adding the sid repo into /etc/apt/sources.list

2. then aptitude -u

3. then searching for the required package and mark it as install (or

4. Then install, if wanted.

Yes, I know, pinning would be the better way, but it is very, very seldom, I
need to install something from a higher repo.

And yes, I know, mixing repos is no good idea, so I am using this only for
applications, which are using theire own libraries (or libs, they are only for
this special application).

Do you know another way, except pinning or my (weired) way?
I've always did it "the right way", by making simple backports [1] of required package and its selected dependencies if newer versions are required. For some exotic packages this approach is not feasible, because you might end up with dozens of packages to backport as dependencies and dependencies of their dependencies.
"php", "nodejs" and "golang" to name a few tend to snowball a lot.

In your situation, it could be better to use officially distributed package [2] from Oracle for now. Foreign packages like these could be installed into separate location like into "/opt/". This way they won't interfere with the rest of your system. I don't use virtualbox (KVM does everything and more for me) so I can't vouch for the quality of packages from Oracle.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/SimpleBackportCreation
[2] https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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