On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 05:17:46AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> On 2023-10-26 at 15:28, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> > Apt-get install virt-manager will pull in all the associated
> > qemu/KVM packages you might need. It should be at least as
> > straightforward to use as Virtualbox.
> I've seen people state or suggest multiple times that virt-manager
> should be, as you say, as straightforward to use as VirtualBox, and that
> was what I expected to find when I tried to use it myself - but even
> once I got around the issues that arose from my not using systemd et
> cetera and could actually use the program, it is not what I actually found.
> (I very much hope that what I am about to describe is wrong, and that
> people will explain how/why it's wrong, such that I can get out of the
> situation described and into a state where I can actually use
> virt-manager in a way that I could find useful. It is not my intention
> to spread FUD or falsehoods, even if some of the below may look like it
> would fall within those categories.)

People's experience varies: I've used Virtualbox in the past, Hyper-V under
Windows and VMWare Workstation - Virt-manager provides as easy a front end to
 KVM for me.

It does help if you select the "Customise configuration" option before 
beginning install at step 5 of 5

> With virt-manager, from what I recall (it has been a while since I last
> tried), the workflow was quite different. IIRC, I didn't even try using
> qemu as a backend, because AFAIK it doesn't support hierarchical VM
> snapshots and that's a feature I very much expect to rely on; instead I
> think I went with KVM. With that backend, AFAIR I didn't even get
> prompted for where the VM's file should be stored; instead, the location
> where the system stores files appears to be defined in a system-wide
> config file, and to not be modifiable on a per-VM basis (except relative
> to that system-wide root). That's a problem, because when I partitioned
> this system I expected to be able to store VM files in the same massive
> data partition as I allocated for other large data; the default
> system-wide location doesn't have the space to do much with. It also
> doesn't work when the system may have multiple users who may want to
> manage VMs separately from one another (though, fortunately, this is
> more an abstract concern rather than one that affects me in practice).
> With VMWare Workstation and what I think I I recall from VirtualBox,
> once a VM is created, the resulting files are owned by the user who ran
> the program. With what I recall from when I tried virt-manager, even if
> I redirected the file storage location to be under the larger data
> partition, the files were owned by another user, related to libvirt.
> That's undesirable when trying to store VM files per-user in a per-user
> location, since the user won't be able to work with them (moving them
> around, editing details, etc.) except through programs running with that
> other user's access.
> When I accepted that and tried to proceed anyway, for the sake of
> experimentation, IIRC, I ran into obstacles trying to set up the
> necessary virtual hardware for the VM - in particular, IIRC, a virtual
> CD drive pointed at the ISO that would be used to install the OS. (This
> part I am less certain about than even the above; it's been rather a
> while, and I was stressed enough by the time I hit this point that I may
> have blanked out more of the details in self-defense.) At that point, I
> gave up, at least in part for the sake of not piling more and more
> stress on myself trying to get the ability to do things that would
> hopefully enable me to reduce stress in other areas.
See the "configure before install" which opens this up more - you can
also see this by viewing/modifying settings - but you normally have to make
sure that the VM is shut down.

> (Writing this mail is already bringing back up all that stress, and I
> hope it will not just wind up making things worse.)
> So... either I somehow have managed to do things *100% completely
> wrong*, or the workflow with virt-manager is not even remotely as
> straightforward(ly usable) as the one I see with VMWare Workstation and
> think I remember seeing with VirtualBox.
> I would *love* to be wrong about that, because there is a *lot* of stuff
> that I'd like to do that would be *far* easier if I had discardable VM
> snapshots to do it in. However, I also do not have the personal stress
> to spare for experimenting with this blindly and bashing my head against
> walls getting nowhere in those experiments.
> If there *is* a way to get virt-manager to support a VMWare( and, I
> think, VirtualBox)-like workflow - with support for hierarchical nested
> snapshots, and graphical management thereof, among other things - and
> have things more-or-less Just Work, I would *love* to learn about it.

All the VM solutions essentially have a text backend and something
configurable: virt-manager is just a nice front end to things like virsh
and means that you can get stuff done quickly. 

That said, I tend to be simplistic: one or two VMs which have access via
the host network, no bonding, nothing too fancy.
I think there's probably more documentation for KVM out there than anything
else, one way and another.
> -- 
>    The Wanderer
> The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
> persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
> progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

All the very best, as ever,


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