On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 02:44:38AM +0100, Florian Ernst wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 07:13:44PM -0600, Rick Weinbender wrote:
> >I have a situation where I login as the root user,
> >then 'su <username>' to a user with limited rights,
> >and run a short script as this user.
> >*
> >My question is:
> >In the last line of my script, can I invoke some
> >form of the exit command to leave me back
> >at the #prompt or root user prompt?
> Better just run your script as
> # su -c=<script> <username>
> so you won't even get a user prompt to exit from.
> You could also use sudo...

... definitively; but if you really wanted to know how to do it the
Wrong Way:

Generally, as a Unix process exec's another one (a child), the child
can't mess with the parent's internals more than with any other
process'--they are just separated processes.  The Unix way to terminate
a process without its consent is to kill(8) it.  So the last line of
your script would read:

        kill -KILL "$PPID"

--the shell variable $PPID stores the parent process id.  AFAICT, it's a
POSIX-required feature, so your sh(1) should provide it.


Jan Minar                   "Please don't CC me, I'm subscribed." x 9

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