On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 11:33:10AM +0100, Florian Ernst wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 03:17:37AM +0100, Jan Minar wrote:
> >... definitively; but if you really wanted to know how to do it the
> >Wrong Way:
-- translated in the plain English: Yes, this solves the problem, as
stated in the original mail, and no, it's not the Right Way to do it, in
fact it's a very braindead approach.  But mmmaybe, in some another
scenario, this would be useful (although I doubt this).  Just I like to
stretch the limits of what's possible.  It's nice to know what a Debian
box is up to ;-)

> Hmmm, I guess the OP's intentions are as follows:
> - start from the root prompt
> - execute a script as a different user
> - end at the root prompt

Yes, sudo/su is the way to go here, as was correctly written, already.


Jan Minar                   "Please don't CC me, I'm subscribed." x 9

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