On Mon 20 Nov 2023 at 08:24:11 (-0500), Cindy Sue Causey wrote:
[ … ]
> inspired an "apt-cache search wake from" search for some reason.
> That highly generic query only received 10 results for Trixie. Maybe
> there's still something in there that's useful. Two of those results,
> etherwake and nvram-wakeup, look interesting. Since they already exist
> as packages, they must be being used somewhere... which might help
> short track figuring out how to apply them to one's own computing
> needs.

etherwake looks like a slightly more functional package than
wakeonlan, which turns on a computer by addressing its MAC.
My Dell desktops all have that facility, which I use regularly.
You configure it in the BIOS, where the setting sits alongside
the time-triggered configuration.

I used to use time-triggered on one of them, but now that I encrypt
/home, it's not so useful just to boot up at a given time each day.

I assume that nvram-wakeup allows you to choose or change a wakeup
time while the machine is still running. Without it, you'd need
to reboot into the BIOS to set the time, and then switch off.

Unfortunately I've not seen these facilities in any laptop I've used.


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