> On 30/11/2023 17:15, gene heskett wrote:
> > I want to put it at How do I do that in
> > /etc/dhcpcd.conf? This is already in /etc/hosts like this:

You're confusing the DHCP server and the DHCP client.

People have told you that you must either configure the static IP on
the host itself, *or* set up a DHCP server.

If you're going to set up a DHCP server, then after choosing a computer
to act as the server, and after installing the DHCP server package on
it, you would configure dhcpd.conf (in some directory) to define your
dynamic address pool, and any reserved addresses for specific hosts.

Note the file name: dhcpd.conf which is composed of these pieces:

  dhcpd      -- DHCP server daemon
  .conf      -- configuration file

In the text cited above, you referred to dhcpcd.conf which is completely
different file.  That one is for one of the several different DHCP *client*
packages.  In your case, it's for the "dhcpcd" package, which is not used
by default in Debian, but *is* used by default in some Debian derivatives.

  dhcpcd     -- DHCP client daemon (from the "dhcpcd" package)
  .conf      -- configuration file

Now, the real goal here is that you want to configure a static IP
address on this host.  If this were Debian, the answer would simply be
"edit /etc/network/interfaces, kill dhcpcd if it's running, ifdown eth0,
ifup eth0" (not necessarily in that order, and with various safeguards
in place).  However, you seem to be running a "twice derivative" OS of
some kind -- it's Armbian with some special Klipper management script
installed which takes over glob-knows-what.

The number of people who know how to configure networking on a
"Debian no wait it's Armbian no wait it's Klipper" host is probably quite
small, and I'm not one of them.  If you don't have instructions, then
you may need to find a community of fellow Klipper users and ask them.
Though I suspect the overwhelming majority of them use a DHCP server
instead of static addressing on the host, you may get lucky and find one
who does it your preferred way.

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