On Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 07:31:31PM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> Bear in mind that I was explaining my use of "all-UTC machine".
> Were you to construct such a beast, I think the first thing you
> might set, actively, is the RTC. You wouldn't just assume that
> it was already set to UTC.
> What would be a better term for such a machine in the state described?

A non-networked machine with its default time zone set to UTC.  The
admin would need to keep setting the clock by hand as it drifts, but
otherwise, this is not a special or unusual setup... if this were 1990.

> Anyway, having followed these actions, someone could now write and
> test scripts without worrying about timezones, and then find out that
> they fail when someone in the real world runs them.

A cynic might observe that nobody else in the world is ever going to
run those scripts.  But yeah, this is a hive of bugs being hatched.
We've pointed out the obvious ones, and that's all we can do for now.

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