On 8 Jan 2024 11:00 -0500, from hai...@histomat.net (Haines Brown):
> I find that often (such as wiki.debian.org/CDDVD) I'm told to mount 
> the cdrive. But I can play cds without mounting. Wny is mounting 
> sometimes recommended?

You mount a file system. Audio CDs (that is, CD-DA disks) do not hold
file systems, so they aren't mounted in the typical sense.

Note that while CD-DA disks are technically CD-ROM disks (compact disk
read only media), in typical usage "CD-ROM" is taken to mean a CD
which contains _data organized as files within a file system_, often
an ISO-9660 file system typically with extensions (Rockridge, Juliet,

> I wanted to use aplay to play music on cdrom, but have concluded
> it cannot be done in any straightforward way. Why not?

Likely simply because nobody has implemented that. Software to play
audio CDs exists aplenty; is there any particular reason why you want
to use specifically aplay to do it?

> However, about every 15 seconds the the
> process stops for about one second ane the drive LED flashes on.

I suspect this is because of insufficient read-ahead or insufficient
bandwidth, as you seems to assume to based on your comment on buffer
size. You might be able to use --cache=yes to improve matters.

Another option is to copy the CD audio to the computer using some tool
designed for that, and then play the copy. I suggest trying cdparanoia
for this, as it has excellent handling of poor read quality or buffer

> To simplify my life, I created a ~/scripts/play file. It is in my 
> PATH. The file has this content:
>   #!/bin/sh
>   mplayer /dev/sr0 cdda://
>   exit 0
> But the $ play command only returns the aplay -help info. Why won't 
> the script work?

Check the output of: type play

Most likely something else named play comes earlier in your $PATH.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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