On Mon, 2024-01-08 at 17:10 -0600, John Hasler wrote:
> David writes:
> > The way they would withhold payments as not going to approved
> > entities
> > by the powers that be has forced me into believing they are more of
> > an
> > information gathering utility disguised as a financial one.  If you
> > undertake to act as a medium in a financial transaction, that's
> > what
> > you do.
> They have to comply with the (vaguely worded) law if they want to
> stay
> in business.  I doubt that they like it any more than we do.

This forces _everybody_ to comply with American law: unilateral world
order by any other name.

> > You don't put through some transactions and not others, simply
> > because
> > they are heading to an Assange fund or some other entity not
> > currently
> > approved of by American foreign policy preference.
> The "know your customer" regulations are by no means a US-only
> phenomena.  It's supposed to prevent "money laundering".

A directly attributed, undisguised donation to an Assange fund, or any
other (because this applied to more than one isolated case) does not
qualify as `money-laundering'. Compare this to the $21 trillion missing
from Pentagon finances and the money which has `gone astray' in the
Ukrainian scenario to observe the difference.

Who knows?
Perhaps the Debian Project, represented in the media as `an
unaccountable collective of hackers', will be next.
Yes, we definitely need something better than Paypal.

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