On Tue, 2024-01-16 at 12:15 +0000, debian-u...@howorth.org.uk wrote:
> hw <h...@adminart.net> wrote:
> > On Tue, 2024-01-16 at 11:27 +0100, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> > > I don't know anything about rtkit, but I may be able to parse
> > > English :-)
> > > 
> > > Am 16.01.2024 um 10:42 schrieb hw:
> > > ...  
> > > > The messages in the journal are actually weird:
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > rtkit-daemon[132284]: Successfully made thread 145442 of process
> > > > 145185 (/usr/lib64/firefox/firefox) owned by '1000' RT at
> > > > priority 10.
> > > > 
> > > > rtkit-daemon[132284]: Successfully made thread 2534 of process
> > > > 2507 (/usr/bin/gnome-shell) owned by '1000' RT at priority 20.
> > > > rtkit-daemon[132284]: Successfully made thread 2534 of process
> > > > 2507 (/usr/bin/gnome-shell) owned by '1000' high priority at nice
> > > > level 0. rtkit-daemon[132284]: Successfully made thread 2534 of
> > > > process 2507 (/usr/bin/gnome-shell) owned by '1000' RT at
> > > > priority 20. rtkit-daemon[132284]: Successfully made thread 2534
> > > > of process 2507 (/usr/bin/gnome-shell) owned by '1000' high
> > > > priority at nice level 0.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > It says 'made owned by'.  Does user 1000 not own the process to
> > > > begin with?  Which user owned it before?  Or what is that
> > > > supposed to mean?  
> > > 
> > > What it tries to say is probably "made (thread ... owned by 1000)
> > > high priority".  
> > 
> > It says 'made thread ... (at nice level 0) owned by 1000'.  This is
> > inconclusive at best: The thread is obviously _at_ some nice level or
> > _at_ some priority and was made owned by 1000.
> Well no it doesn't. You've changed the order of the words and that
> changes the meaning.
> > If it had changed the priority it should say that, but it doesn't.
> There's a rather unwieldy noun phrase
> "thread 2534 of process 2507 (/usr/bin/gnome-shell) owned by '1000'"
> which identifies a particular thread. Let's call that THREAD.
> Then what the log says is:
> rtkit-daemon[132284]: Successfully made THREAD RT at priority 20.
> rtkit-daemon[132284]: Successfully made THREAD high priority at nice
> level 0. 
> rtkit-daemon[132284]: Successfully made THREAD RT at priority 20.
> rtkit-daemon[132284]: Successfully made THREAD high priority at nice
> level 0.
> So the log is telling you something about changes to the priority and
> real-time nature of that particular THREAD. I've no idea what they
> actually mean.

Yes, it finally occured to me that it's supposed to mean 'made RT'
when I looked at the journal again.  RT probably means real time, and
there seems to be a distinction between real time and nice.  However,
this is not a real time system, so real time is basically meaningless.

Still, how do I prevent rtkit-daemon and firefox from giving it(self)
higher priority?

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