
after i began enumerating suspects, gene heskett wrote:
> terminals scroll back memory, I purposely set this
> particular terminals scrollback to 200 lines with that in mind.

How large was it set when your runs caused the OOM killer to act ?

I have a good number of xterms with 10,000 lines each. No tabs, no KDE,
but 8 fvwm "desktops" (virtual screens) full of terminal windows.

> > [Request to test the disks one-by-one on some other computer, whether
> >  they bear the same serial number at all controllers in all machines.]

> Not as easily tried, the other 4 are in twin mounts in another portion of
> the drive cages in this 30" tall tiger direct cage and not too readily
> accessible w/o tipping the mobo out on its hinged mount.

One should raise protest at Gigastone if the disks really have the same
serial numbers. But before doing so, one would have to make sure that
it is not some weird effect of them all being plugged into that machine
at the same time.

> One of you made the remark that seems to be the secret password.

What did finally help ? Just the shorter terminal scroll back memory ?

It would explain why a verbose rsync could summon the OOM killer always
around the same stage of progress. But what waste of memory would have
to happen with each of the rsync messages ?

(You mentioned LABEL as a possibility. But not as actually used.)

> Its still, slowly at 10 megs a second, working.

I see in your previous mail rsync option --bwlimit=10m . But in the
same mail there is an older quote from you that --bwlimit=3m only
prolonged the time until the OOM killer appeared.
So i wonder whether it would work at a more contemporary speed.

Self-incrimination: The rest of this mail is off topic.

> they gave all 7nth graders the Iowa
> test in 1947, similar to the S/B IQ test but not copyrighted, there fore a
> lot cheaper, and I came out of that with an equivalent of 147.

I was tested in the 1960s but they did not tell the results to kids or
parents. We only got recommendations at which of our three types of school
we should continue at the age of 10 or 11 years.
(So it was not to avoid discrimination of the dumb but rather to avoid
that pupils feel more intelligent than their teachers.)

Have a nice day :)


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