
1. Creating GPT table and GPT partition with fdisk.
2. Copy data with a debootstrap.
3. Chroot into newly creating system.

I need to prepare that system for booting.
1. Install Kernel.
2. Install GRUB and Configure.
3. Add changes to UEFI to start booting.

And at the point two (Install GRUB) I a little bit confused.

1. Need to create ESP, and put GRUB there.
2. Need to configure GRUB to select appropriate kernel and ramdisk.

Could you help me a little bit?

How to create a ESP partition and mount it to /boot?
If a ESP partition a simple Partition formatted to FAT32?
How GRUB would understand where to be install and where is the kernel?

And the last one. If I want to step back. And just use a USB stick with
predefined image, what kind of partition table I should create there MBR or GPT?

Thank you!

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