On Sat, Feb 03, 2024 at 01:17:05AM +0700, Dmitry wrote:
> > Just copy files from LiveCD (it should have EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi) to the
> ESP partition on the USB stick.
> As I understand right now `dd` command applied to a device will copy all
> information including partitions table. Thus:

Actually, cp (or even, horrors ;-) cat do the same. One advantage of dd is...

> dd if=debian-xx.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M status=progress; sync

...this "status=progress". The other is "oflag=sync": for bigger sticks
(and if you have tons of RAM) this last "sync" could take a long while,
without giving you feedback of what's happening.

And the third one (which it shares with cp but not with cat) is that
sudo won't work in "sudo cat foo.img > /dev/bar" (unless you already
are root, but that'd be cheating ;-)


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