Jeffrey Walton wrote: 
> I don't want to bikeshed, though. Slavery ended in the US about 150
> years ago. I don't know any slaves, and I don't own any slaves, so I
> don't really have a dog in the fight.

Point of fact: slavery is legal in the USA, as a legal punishment.

Other point of fact: the effects of slavery in the USA continue
to be felt in the present.

At this point we have diverged completely from Debian topics.

Let's bring it back around to actual action.

The possible positions:

1. The terminology is bad, and I'm willing to work on fixing it.

2. The terminology is bad, but I can't work on it myself.

3. The terminology does not bother me, but I don't care if someone else wants 
to fix it.

4. The terminology is good and we should not fix it.

People taking positions one through three are people that I can
work with.


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