Hello again. I have used *pactl subscribe *command and i think that in the
moment of sound interrupt there are the corresponding lines:

"Event 'remove' on sink-input #353
Event 'new' on sink-input #358
Event 'change' on sink-input #358"

As for journald i have a lot of such errors, but they don't influence the
audio quality:

"Mar 11 22:20:13 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem
not available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,85,88,27,174"

There are some other mentions of the bluetooth/headphones, but they don't
meet the moment of sound issues. Full journald -f log is in an attachment.

I must say that i had an opportunity today to test a laptop with Debian 12
XFCE laptop with Pulseaudio and the problem is the same there. But, as i
said, on a laptop with Linux Mint XFCE everything is fine. That's strange.
What is the main difference between Linux Mint and Debian here..?

I also tried Liquorix 6.7 kernel but it didn't help.

journalctl -f
Hint: You are currently not seeing messages from other users and the system.
      Users in groups 'adm', 'systemd-journal' can see all messages.
      Pass -q to turn off this notice.
Mar 11 21:28:16 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+BTRH?
Mar 11 21:28:16 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,100,100,27,174
Mar 11 21:29:21 deb systemd[1331]: Started 
app-gnome-gnome\x2dterminal-6829.scope - Application launched by gsd-media-keys.
Mar 11 21:29:21 deb dbus-daemon[1367]: [session uid=1000 pid=1367] Activating 
via systemd: service name='org.gnome.Terminal' 
unit='gnome-terminal-server.service' requested by ':1.131' (uid=1000 pid=6829 
Mar 11 21:29:21 deb systemd[1331]: Starting gnome-terminal-server.service - 
GNOME Terminal Server...
Mar 11 21:29:22 deb dbus-daemon[1367]: [session uid=1000 pid=1367] Successfully 
activated service 'org.gnome.Terminal'
Mar 11 21:29:22 deb systemd[1331]: Started gnome-terminal-server.service - 
GNOME Terminal Server.
Mar 11 21:29:22 deb systemd[1331]: Started 
vte-spawn-82cf01f4-467e-44e1-b0e3-19af9cb02a2a.scope - VTE child process 6864 
launched by gnome-terminal-server process 6834.
Mar 11 21:30:27 deb systemd[1331]: Started 
app-gnome-gnome\x2dterminal-7042.scope - Application launched by gsd-media-keys.
Mar 11 21:30:27 deb systemd[1331]: Started 
vte-spawn-6e59a663-467e-40c5-9553-ad6b513aeecb.scope - VTE child process 7048 
launched by gnome-terminal-server process 6834.
Mar 11 21:33:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Changing 
Mar 11 21:33:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Current wallpaper 
Mar 11 21:33:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Wallpapers in 
queue: 8
Mar 11 21:33:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Next slide in 600 
Mar 11 21:41:51 deb gnome-shell[1624]: JS ERROR: Gio.DBusError: 
GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: No such property 
                                       ### Promise created here: ###
Mar 11 21:41:52 deb gnome-shell[1624]: JS ERROR: Gio.DBusError: 
GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: No such property 
                                       ### Promise created here: ###
Mar 11 21:41:52 deb gnome-shell[1624]: JS ERROR: Gio.DBusError: 
GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: No such property 
                                       ### Promise created here: ###
Mar 11 21:43:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Changing 
Mar 11 21:43:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Current wallpaper 
Mar 11 21:43:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Wallpapers in 
queue: 7
Mar 11 21:43:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Next slide in 600 
Mar 11 21:44:19 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,95,100,27,174
Mar 11 21:53:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Changing 
Mar 11 21:53:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Current wallpaper 
Mar 11 21:53:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Wallpapers in 
queue: 6
Mar 11 21:53:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Next slide in 600 
Mar 11 21:53:26 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,95,95,27,174
Mar 11 22:01:09 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,90,95,27,174
Mar 11 22:03:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Changing 
Mar 11 22:03:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Current wallpaper 
Mar 11 22:03:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Wallpapers in 
queue: 5
Mar 11 22:03:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Next slide in 600 
Mar 11 22:04:05 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,89,95,27,174
Mar 11 22:07:28 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,88,95,27,174
Mar 11 22:09:28 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,87,95,27,174
Mar 11 22:13:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Changing 
Mar 11 22:13:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Current wallpaper 
Mar 11 22:13:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Wallpapers in 
queue: 4
Mar 11 22:13:03 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Next slide in 600 
Mar 11 22:14:12 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,87,90,27,174
Mar 11 22:15:23 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,86,90,27,174
Mar 11 22:17:05 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,86,89,27,174
Mar 11 22:18:12 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,85,89,27,174
Mar 11 22:20:13 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,85,88,27,174
Mar 11 22:21:31 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,84,88,27,174
Mar 11 22:21:54 deb dbus-daemon[1367]: [session uid=1000 pid=1367] Activating 
service name='org.gnome.TextEditor' requested by ':1.42' (uid=1000 pid=1624 
Mar 11 22:21:54 deb dbus-daemon[1367]: [session uid=1000 pid=1367] Successfully 
activated service 'org.gnome.TextEditor'
Mar 11 22:21:54 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Window manager warning: Buggy client 
sent a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message with a timestamp of 0 for 0x3400005
Mar 11 22:21:58 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Window manager warning: Buggy client 
sent a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message with a timestamp of 0 for 0x3400022
Mar 11 22:22:21 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,84,87,27,174
Mar 11 22:22:23 deb dbus-daemon[1367]: [session uid=1000 pid=1367] Activating 
via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Extract' 
unit='tracker-extract-3.service' requested by ':1.11' (uid=1000 pid=1401 
Mar 11 22:22:23 deb systemd[1331]: Starting tracker-extract-3.service - Tracker 
metadata extractor...
Mar 11 22:22:23 deb dbus-daemon[1367]: [session uid=1000 pid=1367] Successfully 
activated service 'org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Extract'
Mar 11 22:22:23 deb systemd[1331]: Started tracker-extract-3.service - Tracker 
metadata extractor.

 journalctl -f
Hint: You are currently not seeing messages from other users and the system.
      Users in groups 'adm', 'systemd-journal' can see all messages.
      Pass -q to turn off this notice.
Mar 11 22:43:33 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,75,81,27,174
Mar 11 22:44:43 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,75,80,27,174
Mar 11 22:44:55 deb systemd[1331]: Started 
app-gnome-gnome\x2dterminal-10829.scope - Application launched by 
Mar 11 22:44:55 deb dbus-daemon[1367]: [session uid=1000 pid=1367] Activating 
via systemd: service name='org.gnome.Terminal' 
unit='gnome-terminal-server.service' requested by ':1.151' (uid=1000 pid=10829 
Mar 11 22:44:55 deb systemd[1331]: Starting gnome-terminal-server.service - 
GNOME Terminal Server...
Mar 11 22:44:55 deb dbus-daemon[1367]: [session uid=1000 pid=1367] Successfully 
activated service 'org.gnome.Terminal'
Mar 11 22:44:56 deb systemd[1331]: Started gnome-terminal-server.service - 
GNOME Terminal Server.
Mar 11 22:44:56 deb systemd[1331]: Started 
vte-spawn-5d3e92af-eb94-4ad3-98f1-f02e889c2b5a.scope - VTE child process 10864 
launched by gnome-terminal-server process 10834.
Mar 11 22:45:05 deb systemd[1331]: Started 
app-gnome-gnome\x2dterminal-10871.scope - Application launched by 
Mar 11 22:45:05 deb systemd[1331]: Started 
vte-spawn-ef50bfa2-2336-4939-8755-cfd443cffb10.scope - VTE child process 10876 
launched by gnome-terminal-server process 10834.
Mar 11 22:51:20 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,75,79,27,174
Mar 11 22:52:39 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,74,79,27,174
Mar 11 22:53:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Changing 
Mar 11 22:53:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Current wallpaper 
Mar 11 22:53:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Wallpapers in 
queue: 0
Mar 11 22:53:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Next slide in 600 
Mar 11 22:55:17 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,73,79,27,174
Mar 11 22:57:12 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,73,78,27,174
Mar 11 22:58:53 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,72,78,27,174
Mar 11 22:59:18 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,72,77,27,174
Mar 11 23:00:16 deb org.qbittorrent.qBittorrent.desktop[1800]: edit: editing 
Mar 11 23:00:29 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,71,77,27,174
Mar 11 23:02:50 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,71,76,27,174
Mar 11 23:03:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Error - Wallpaper 
Queue Empty
Mar 11 23:03:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Wallpaper queue 
empty. Attempting to create new slideshow...
Mar 11 23:03:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Get Wallpaper List
Mar 11 23:03:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Success! Starting 
new slideshow...
Mar 11 23:03:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Changing 
Mar 11 23:03:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Current wallpaper 
Mar 11 23:03:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Wallpapers in 
queue: 14
Mar 11 23:03:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Next slide in 600 
Mar 11 23:04:35 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,70,76,27,174
Mar 11 23:05:08 deb dbus-daemon[1367]: [session uid=1000 pid=1367] Activating 
via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Extract' 
unit='tracker-extract-3.service' requested by ':1.11' (uid=1000 pid=1401 
Mar 11 23:05:08 deb systemd[1331]: Starting tracker-extract-3.service - Tracker 
metadata extractor...
Mar 11 23:05:08 deb dbus-daemon[1367]: [session uid=1000 pid=1367] Successfully 
activated service 'org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Extract'
Mar 11 23:05:08 deb systemd[1331]: Started tracker-extract-3.service - Tracker 
metadata extractor.
Mar 11 23:05:09 deb tracker-extract-3[11199]: Warning: using insecure memory!
Mar 11 23:05:11 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,70,75,27,174
Mar 11 23:05:40 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,69,75,27,174
Mar 11 23:08:38 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,69,74,27,174
Mar 11 23:08:46 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,68,74,27,174
Mar 11 23:10:00 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,68,73,27,174
Mar 11 23:10:26 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,67,73,27,174
Mar 11 23:13:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Changing 
Mar 11 23:13:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Current wallpaper 
Mar 11 23:13:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Wallpapers in 
queue: 13
Mar 11 23:13:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Next slide in 600 
Mar 11 23:13:15 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,66,73,27,174
Mar 11 23:14:10 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,66,72,27,174
Mar 11 23:14:11 deb gsd-media-keys[1744]: Unable to get default sink
Mar 11 23:14:11 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) event25 - Haylou W1 
(AVRCP): device removed
Mar 11 23:14:11 deb pipewire-pulse[1359]: mod.protocol-pulse: client 
0x58b39dbbea40 [GNOME Settings]: ERROR command:-1 (invalid) tag:358 error:25 
(Input/output error)
Mar 11 23:14:11 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) config/udev: 
removing device Haylou W1 (AVRCP)
Mar 11 23:14:11 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (**) Option "fd" "78"
Mar 11 23:14:11 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) UnloadModule: 
Mar 11 23:14:11 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) systemd-logind: 
releasing fd for 13:89
Mar 11 23:14:11 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (EE) systemd-logind: 
failed to release device: Device not taken
Mar 11 23:14:12 deb wireplumber[1357]: set volume 74 failed for transport 
/org/bluez/hci0/dev_9C_19_C2_1B_A7_25/sep4/fd1 (No such property 'Volume')
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) config/udev: Adding 
input device Haylou W1 (AVRCP) (/dev/input/event25)
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (**) Haylou W1 (AVRCP): 
Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) Using input driver 
'libinput' for 'Haylou W1 (AVRCP)'
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) systemd-logind: got 
fd for /dev/input/event25 13:89 fd 79 paused 0
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (**) Haylou W1 (AVRCP): 
always reports core events
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (**) Option "Device" 
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) event25 - Haylou W1 
(AVRCP): is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) event25 - Haylou W1 
(AVRCP): device is a keyboard
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) event25 - Haylou W1 
(AVRCP): device removed
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (**) Option "config_info" 
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) XINPUT: Adding 
extended input device "Haylou W1 (AVRCP)" (type: KEYBOARD, id 20)
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (**) Option "xkb_model" 
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (**) Option "xkb_layout" 
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (WW) Option "xkb_variant" 
requires a string value
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (WW) Option "xkb_options" 
requires a string value
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) event25 - Haylou W1 
(AVRCP): is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
Mar 11 23:14:14 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) event25 - Haylou W1 
(AVRCP): device is a keyboard
Mar 11 23:14:17 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,66,68,27,174
Mar 11 23:14:52 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,65,68,27,174
Mar 11 23:16:28 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,64,68,27,174
Mar 11 23:21:03 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,63,68,27,174
Mar 11 23:22:35 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,62,68,27,174
Mar 11 23:23:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Changing 
Mar 11 23:23:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Current wallpaper 
Mar 11 23:23:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Wallpapers in 
queue: 12
Mar 11 23:23:04 deb gnome-shell[1624]: Wallpaper Slideshow: Next slide in 600 
Mar 11 23:24:25 deb gsd-media-keys[1744]: Unable to get default sink
Mar 11 23:24:25 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) event25 - Haylou W1 
(AVRCP): device removed
Mar 11 23:24:25 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) config/udev: 
removing device Haylou W1 (AVRCP)
Mar 11 23:24:25 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (**) Option "fd" "79"
Mar 11 23:24:25 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) UnloadModule: 
Mar 11 23:24:25 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) systemd-logind: 
releasing fd for 13:89
Mar 11 23:24:25 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (EE) systemd-logind: 
failed to release device: Device not taken
Mar 11 23:24:26 deb wireplumber[1357]: set volume 74 failed for transport 
/org/bluez/hci0/dev_9C_19_C2_1B_A7_25/sep2/fd2 (No such property 'Volume')
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) config/udev: Adding 
input device Haylou W1 (AVRCP) (/dev/input/event25)
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (**) Haylou W1 (AVRCP): 
Applying InputClass "libinput keyboard catchall"
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) Using input driver 
'libinput' for 'Haylou W1 (AVRCP)'
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) systemd-logind: got 
fd for /dev/input/event25 13:89 fd 79 paused 0
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (**) Haylou W1 (AVRCP): 
always reports core events
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (**) Option "Device" 
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) event25 - Haylou W1 
(AVRCP): is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) event25 - Haylou W1 
(AVRCP): device is a keyboard
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) event25 - Haylou W1 
(AVRCP): device removed
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (**) Option "config_info" 
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) XINPUT: Adding 
extended input device "Haylou W1 (AVRCP)" (type: KEYBOARD, id 20)
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (**) Option "xkb_model" 
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (**) Option "xkb_layout" 
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (WW) Option "xkb_variant" 
requires a string value
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (WW) Option "xkb_options" 
requires a string value
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) event25 - Haylou W1 
(AVRCP): is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
Mar 11 23:24:28 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (II) event25 - Haylou W1 
(AVRCP): device is a keyboard
Mar 11 23:24:33 deb systemd[1331]: app-gnome-org.gnome.Settings-6652.scope: 
Consumed 7min 54.058s CPU time.
Mar 11 23:26:40 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,62,67,27,174
Mar 11 23:26:51 deb org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine.desktop[1996]: [2024-03-11 
23:26:51] NAT-PMP: External port 2234 successfully forwarded to local IP 
address port 2234
Mar 11 23:27:05 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,61,67,27,174
Mar 11 23:27:37 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,61,66,27,174
Mar 11 23:30:41 deb wireplumber[1357]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not 
available: AT+XIAOMI=1,1,102,60,66,27,174
Mar 11 23:32:18 deb totem[10534]: grl_log_valist: assertion 'domain' failed
Mar 11 23:32:18 deb /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1449]: (EE) event8  - SOAI USB 
Gaming Mouse: client bug: event processing lagging behind by 58ms, your system 
is too slow

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