On Fri, 2024-03-22 at 20:39 +0000, Terence wrote:
> No, starting any Debian linked group (i.e. using Debian any form) based on personal differentiation is totally unacceptable. To do so is to encourage division between a world wide, extremely diverse group of users of our computer operating system, for racial, ethnic, age, sexual, or or any other attribute. The internet is neutral, although it is used for all sorts of divisive and offensive uses, and we can keep it so in the Debian world of ours if we wish.   
> In all my years (decades now) use of Debian I have communicated all over the world with Debian users, and have not cared or needed to know anything more than that I was dealing with another Debian enthusiast.  
> Perhaps it would be interesting to hear the original poster's views on whether proposals to form a "debian-gay-beaters", "debian-hetrosexuals" or a "debian-white-supremacists" group would meet with his/her/it's approval.
> I am against all attempts to promote division between people, either collectively or individually, even down to deploring the antagonism (from mild to violent) between supporters of different sports teams. If they were really sports enthusiasts they would applaud good play, even when it was not to their own teams advantage.
> To start, or accept, special interests groups attached to the name "Debian" in any form is to be resisted by all means possible.

An inane proposal.
How does anybody's suntan, sexual preference, or any other attribute bear on their use of an operating system?
We are already differentiated enough: we are Debian users.

> On Fri, 22 Mar 2024 at 16:12, Zenaan Harkness <[zen...@gmail.com](mailto:zen...@gmail.com)> wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 6:02 PM Paul M Foster <[pa...@quillandmouse.com](mailto:pa...@quillandmouse.com)> wrote:
> > 
> > > On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 06:47:10PM +0000, jmax wrote:  
> > >    
> > >  > Dear Brothers and Sisters:  
> > >  >   
> > >  > I am interested in starting some debian projects.  As a homosexual,  
> > >  > debian-using, black, I am surprised at the low numbers of black and/or LGBT  
> > >  > members of the debian community. I believe that starting debian-niggers, and  
> > >  > debian-gay or debian-lgbt projects would help to increase participation of  
> > >  > the respective parties in the debian community.  
> > >    
> > >  I'm not your brother or sister, and not part of your demographic, and I  
> > >  really don't care whether you do or don't start a SIG on black or LGBT  
> > >  Debian interests.  
> > >    
> > >  However, the word "nigger" is plainly offensive. It's been offensive for  
> > >  decades, and most recently, whites have been entirely prohibited from  
> > >  using the word, upon pain of death, while blacks readily use it with  
> > >  impunity.  
> > >    
> > >  If you're going to start a SIG for black/LGBT Debianistas, I'd politely  
> > >  request you do so without resorting to inflammatory language. I imagine the  
> > >  term "debian-blacks" would serve just as well without aggravating an already  
> > >  strongly divided world.
> > 
> > Yeah I'd probably be ok with debian-blacks, but someone will probably complain. I think it could be good for the community if it did come true.
> >  
> > 
> > >  In fact, I suspect the less we pay attention to skin color, the better off  
> > >  we all will be.
> > 
> > Sadly we have no choice on this these days. We probably also have to create debian-yellows now, and while we're at it, debian-rainbow or debian-pride might be more politically correct.
> > 
> > It's difficult to come up with names sometimes, but I'm sure we're up to the job.
> >

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