> If I have a hot-pluggable device (SD card, USB drive, hot-plug SATA/SAS
> drive and rack, etc.), can I put LVM on it such that when the device is
> connected to a Debian system with a graphical desktop (I use Xfce) an icon
> is displayed on the desktop that I can interact with to display the file
> systems in my file manager (Thunar)?

In the past: definitely not.  Currently: no idea.
I suspect not, because I think the behavior on disconnection is still
poor (you want to be extra careful to deactivate all the volumes on the
drive *before* removing it, otherwise they tend to linger "for ever").

I guess that's one area where partitions are still significantly better
than LVM.

        Stefan "who doesn't use much hot-plugging of mass storage"

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