On 2024-04-18 at 11:15, Hans wrote:

> Sorry, the spam tag appears because of DCIM in the header.
> Not my fault.

But it did not appear on *this* message from you to the list.

Is there a reason you couldn't edit the Subject: lines of the replies
you're sending, before you send them, to remove the marker?

If the marker were being added to the replies after you send them (which
would be an odd behavior, since presumably the reason it's being added
is that the mail servers think there's something odd about the mail when
it's incoming, and there isn't anything odd about the mail you're
*sending* except where it's addressed to), then an edit like that
wouldn't do anything.

But if it were being added after you send the mail, presumably it would
have been added to this "Sorry" message as well - and it wasn't, even
though that mail too is a reply to an E-mail you received through the
list, and is addressed to the list.

It would therefore seem as if editing out the "*****SPAM*****" marker
from your replies before you send them would result in the replies
showing up on the mailing list without that marker.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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