On 31/05/2024 9:29 am, Juan R.D. Silva wrote:
Hey Timothy, have you really read my post?

1. I wrote it clearly "I still need Skype". (And yes, I have my reasons for it, even if it surprises you.) 2. And how have you arrived to "Ubuntu" subject? I'm Debian user. Again read to post you replied to. 3. I really don't care what you personally use and if you are happy with it or not. I need a Skype user suggestion about a particular situation. You do not use Skype and have no clue to be in help. Then just skip off.

Boy, these thread hijacking boys are annoying.


On 2024-05-30 7:06 p.m., Timothy M Butterworth wrote:

On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 6:59 PM Juan R.D. Silva <juan.r.d.si...@gmail.com <mailto:juan.r.d.si...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi folks,

    I use Skype installed from Debian official repo.  A couple of days ago
    it refused to update reporting "server timed out". After looking into
    it, I found that MS removed Skype.deb package from their server and
    basically forces everyone to use Snap package instead.

    Skype is the only app I would need Snap for on my system.
    I still need Skype and I do not see any alternative but to concede
    to MS
    (and Ubuntu?) brute coercion.

To hell with Ubuntu, I use Google Voice, Chat and Meet. All three are free and work great just using the browser.

    Any body installed Snap on their Debian system? Any problems with that
    thing? Any suggestions to use Skype otherwise?


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Good morning Juan

Three sites suggest:

wget https://repo.skype.com/latest/skypeforlinux-64.deb

Some of them are older, but 1 refers to bookworm.

So maybe all isn't lost

All the best

Keith Bainbridge


+61 (0)447 667 468

UTC +10:00

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