On Sat, 01 Jun 2024 10:06:43 +0000
"Michael Grant" <mgr...@grant.org> wrote:

> To this day, I have yet ever to see an easy way to share a file
> between 2 devices without full internet connectivity, except by say
> getting one to run an ftp or ssh server and ftp or ssh'ing over the
> file between local ip addrs (e.g. 192.168.x.y).  I'd love to know
> some well know good, not-evil, open source app that runs on all the
> platforms that I could tell people to install to send them a file
> without using the internet.  I can't really see any technical reason
> such an thing couldn't work, say over bluetooth or local IPs and
> maybe it does exist, I've just never run across such a thing.  The
> key word here is EASY.  I can't be hacking someone's phone for an
> hour just to transfer them a file.
> Michael Grant

a. I know nothing about iOS
b. I don't know if this will help

I have an Android phone. If I plug its micro USB charge/data connection
into my desktop's USB port, two entries appear on 'Device' in Thunar.
Pictures (only) can be transferred.

If I pull down the Android status menu and select the USB entry, then
tap for more options, then select file transfer. one of the Device
entries disappears and the other shows various directories. Files
of other kinds can be transferred to and from my workstation's
directories by copy and paste, and presumably by drag and drop. No
additional software is required on the phone.

Two Android devices plugged into something portable, such as a netbook
or Raspberry Pi could presumably transfer files fairly easily. I've
never needed to do it, so I haven't actually tried it between mobiles,
but I use one phone this way to transfer files to and from my network,
which is quicker than emailing them. I don't know what the earliest
version of Android with this ability is. Update: Google says Android 9.
There is a Mac app to do it, Windows and Linux machines including
Chromebook do it natively.

Maybe more ideas here:


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