On 6/12/24 18:27, Van Snyder wrote:
On Wed, 2024-06-12 at 18:19 -0400, e...@gmx.us wrote:
On 6/12/24 18:14, Van Snyder wrote:
Does anybody know how to contact systemrescuece developers? Their
webpage https://www.system-rescue.org/ doesn't have a "contact" or
I haven't found a way to make the toolbar largewhen I boot
systemrescuecd. I think the window manager is xfce. Can thetool bar
be made larger?
In XFCE, if you right-click anywhere on the toolbar and go to Panel
-> PanelPreferences, you can change the size under "Row Size"..  But
no, I don'tknow how to contact them.

Maybe I was wrong about systemrescuecd using XFCE. Right click on the
toolbar offers a "properties" selection -- that doesn't include a "row
size" property.

It does (see the mouse on the desktop? That's XFCE's mascot.), just maybe it
uses a different version than I have.  I'll boot from it on Saturday to back
up, so if you haven't got an answer by then I'll report back.

         Actually, we have scientifically determined
        that Heisenberg did indeed sleep exactly here.
However, we have no idea whatsoever just how fast asleep he was.
    -- Dave Aronson on ASR

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