On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 06:47:41PM +1000, Keith Bainbridge wrote:
> On 17/6/24 14:20, David Wright wrote:
> > Just some random thoughts:
> > 
> > On Sun 16 Jun 2024 at 18:13:36 (+1000), Keith Bainbridge wrote:


> > All the aliases that lie textually after the one with the missing '
> > will remain undefined, so you can use bisection to locate where in
> > the file problem lies.
> If I didn't use a syntax matching editor this may have easily been my
> problem.

I'm still pretty convinced that you're looking at a syntax problem.

Shell syntax is... not always trivial. I wouldn't trust most text editors
100% on that.

One thing you might try is to run your file through "bash -n" which checks
syntax without executing (well: it tries to: with languages like shell,
this is actually practically impossible).

Another thing would be to share your whole script here, but then you'll
want to make sure that there's nothing in there you want to consider


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