On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 06:47:41PM +1000, Keith Bainbridge wrote:
> On 17/6/24 14:20, David Wright wrote:
> > All the aliases that lie textually after the one with the missing '
> > will remain undefined, so you can use bisection to locate where in
> > the file problem lies.
> If I didn't use a syntax matching editor this may have easily been my
> problem.

Those aren't trustworthy with shell syntax.  Shell syntax is an
absolute nightmare, and *nothing* implements it correctly except the
shell itself, and even then there are often bugs.

> This is the line that was being reported as the incomplete alias, and a few
> that follow it:
> alias srb='source  /home/keith/.bashrc'
> #alias srz='source  ~/.zshrc'

The error is probably somewhere else.

Do you still *have* the file which contains the error?
Does it still *produce* the error message if you source it?
If so: source the file, and *show us* the error.  The whole thing.

And then if you want anyone to help you look for the error, you'll
have to provide a way for us to see your file.  Either by attaching
it here (if it's small enough!), or by uploading it to a web server
and providing a URL that lets us download it.

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