On 3/7/24 04:15, Steinar Bang wrote:
CToID <funk...@yahoo.com.tw>:

Certain touchpads (Elantech in particular) will fail to be
   recognized as a device of any sort after a standard shutdown from
  Arch Linux.

This seems to fit your problem description.

Interesting.  Is this a new thing or has the problem been there for a

I can't tell from the above description.

The laptop has been running more or less continously, execpt for nightly
suspends, since I bought it in the summer of 2022, and I haven't noticed
anything strange with the touchpad before.

Also I don't have any windows to boot into. I scrubbed that when I
installed debian.


MATE will by default overwrite various options for your touchpad.

Maybe your problem has something to do with MATE?

Could be.  I tried disabling MATE config writing as outloned in the
above URL and logged out of the desktop and back in again.

But the touchpad still isn't working, unfortunately?

I do not know whether this is of any use to you, but I have an Acer Aspire 5750G running Linux Mint Mate 21.3, on which, I run an external monitor, keyboard, and mouse, and, after reading the first post in the thread, I tried the keypad on that computer, and, it worked okay.

So, I think that it is not a Mate thing.

Perhaps, you could download the images for Ubuntu Mate 22.04 (and/or, 24.04) and Linux Mint Mate 21.3, and boot and run them as live images (rather than installing them), to find how your keypad works with them.

This is where using a Ventoy drive is useful.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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