On Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 21:01:41 -0400, e...@gmx.us wrote:
> On 7/10/24 18:57, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > On Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 18:39:38 -0400, songbird wrote:
> > >    that is a strange choice of termination and i would
> > > actually consider it a bug in rtorrent, ESC or Ctrl-C
> > > should work for that purpose.
> > 
> > Emacs and bash both use Ctrl-S to do stuff, and in both cases, you need
> > to reconfigure your (virtual) terminal via stty(1) or equivalent to
> > disable XOFF/XON flow control before it'll work.
> > 
> > I'm sure these aren't the only three terminal programs that use ^S and/or
> > ^Q as key bindings, under the assumption that you can press those keys
> > without triggering flow control.  They're the only ones I'm currently
> > aware of, but I'd be shocked if there aren't more.
> ^Q also quits LibreOffice apps, Thunderbird, Firefox, Pluma, and GIMP.

Those are all X11 clients, though, yes?  It's a completely different
story compared to terminal programs.

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