> Anyway, the context is big enough to play around with for
> now then.

Yes, this method works, I think?

I used it again with CONTEXT / QUERY and, as context, had the
5 first parts of this:


then query: What sentence is the most original one?

Answer from llamafile/mistral:

  I suppose the most original one is the one that is written in
  a way that is not often used or seen before. In this case,
  I think the most original sentence is:

    Join the mobile infantry and save the world!
    Service guarantees citizen-ship.
    Would you like to know more?

  because it uses a conversational tone and the offer of
  a service and a guarantee, which is not something you often
  see in the context of a military recruitment message.

I don't know if that is the reason why it is original - and
also that is three sentences, but that's okay - because
I agree 100% it is very original!

underground experts united

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