I want to achieve the first objective and the values are static.
I just hoped there is a one liner hack (like A records in /etc/hosts) to achieve this vs reconfiguring my MTA.

On 15/07/2024 14:33, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 14:00:03 +0100, Adam Weremczuk wrote:
What I need to configure for my Debian 12 VM:
- no public or LAN DNS whatsoever
- ability to fetch a single MX record for a single domain

I don't think I can add MX to /etc/hosts which only works for A records.

I'm after a similarly simple, "one liner" solution.

I'm *so* confused by this question.  You want to be able to *fetch* an MX
record?  You don't want to configure your MTA in a static way so that
it delivers mail properly for this domain right now?  You need to be able
to *fetch* the MX record in real time in case it changes?

And you want to do that *without* being able to contact the real DNS?

How does one reconcile these goal statements?  It's beyond me.

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