On Sat, Feb 14, 2004 at 01:52:58PM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 14, 2004 at 02:28:02PM +0000, Pigeon wrote:
> > With mutt, at least, which it seems can generally be trusted to do the
> > Right Thing, both reply-to headers are honoured, so hitting 'r' sends
> > a reply both to the list and to the user's specified reply address. I
> > think it is reasonably likely that this is what the user wants :-) (at
> > least, nobody who sets reply-to themselves has complained at me yet!)
> Use reply to list.  CC'ing the original poster when not requested to
> do so (preferably in the headers) violates list rules.  Please go read
> up over at http://lists.debian.org/

OK, admonition accepted.

What I am after, and I suspect the OP would also like, is a solution
that simply does the Right Thing when you hit 'r', thus avoiding those
moments of "oh bugger, it's a list message, should have hit 'l'".
Perhaps this ~/bin/du-add-reply-to script would be better:


cat > $TMPFILE
cat << EOF | ed $TMPFILE > /dev/null 2>&1
1,/^$/s/^Reply-To: /X-Original-&/
/^From: /
/usr/sbin/exim -bm [EMAIL PROTECTED] < $TMPFILE
rm -f $TMPFILE

(note: 'cat foo | ed bar' is not the same as 'ed bar < foo'...)

Of course, this doesn't handle the case of making an off-list reply...


Be kind to pigeons
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