On Sun, Feb 15, 2004 at 02:02:34PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In collecting all the needed .debs it takes some time and patience
> in order to determine which ones should be installed first.
> Just wondered if there was an easier way. 

The lazy way is to stick 'em all in a directory and then run 
"dpkg -i *.deb" repeatedly in that directory until it no longer
gives errors... gross, but has worked for me.

It may also be worthwhile investigating building the dependencies from
source... depending on what they depend on and what they build-depend
on, you can end up with a shorter list that way. Certainly I'd
recommend this if any of them depend on libc6 (or anything else
fundamental) - the results of attempting to upgrade libc6 with dpkg -i,
without apt to hold your hand, can be most upsetting.


Be kind to pigeons
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