On Sun, Mar 07, 2004 at 08:01:02AM -0500, Kenneth Jacker wrote:
>   tm> I have a 7500 ...
> Is anyone else besides Tony using this controller with Woody?

Me. But not on this box, so I don't have the configs to hand at the

>   tm> ... and I don't beleive X 4.1 supports it.

I'm using a backport of 4.3.0. Never tried with 4.1; I got 4.3.0
before I got the 7500.

From memory, the driver is called "radeon", not "ati". "ati" is for
earlier cards. I don't recognise any of the values for "XX" in the
"Radeon XX" entries in your XFree86.0.log as belonging to the 7500,
but as I say, it's not on this box, so I may be wrong here.


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