At 2004-03-16T21:56:50Z, Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've gotten a new Dell with a cdburner; the burner works fine in WinXP
> (yech!), but I can't seem to get it working in Debian.

> When I run "sudo xcdroaster", it scans the bus and finds the ATAPI CD
> Writer, and then later warns me that this is not the recommended way
> to go and I need to get ide-scsi emulation working.

ide-scsi is deprecated.  The xcdroast warning will probably go away soon.
I've been burning CD-Rs using native ATAPI mode with much success,
particularly since I can use hdparm to tune the drive (set DMA, etc.)
whereas I couldn't when I was using ide-scsi.
Kirk Strauser
In Googlis non est, ergo non est.

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