On Wed, Mar 17, 2004 at 12:12:09AM -0800, John L Fjellstad wrote:
> ----
> >From the linux kernel mailing list:
> http://programming.linux.com/article.pl?sid=03/12/09/1341236
>     On 6 Nov 2003, bill davidsen wrote:
>     >
>     > There is a problem with ide-scsi in 2.6, and rather than fix it someone
>     > came up with a patch to cdrecord to allow that application to work
>     > properly, and perhaps "better" in some way.
>     Wrong.
>     The "somebody" strongly felt that ide-scsi was not just ugly but
>     _evil_, and that the syntax and usage of "cdrecord" was absolutely
>     stupid.
>     That somebody was me.
>     ide-scsi has always been broken. You should not use it, and indeed
>     there was never any good reason for it existing AT ALL. But because
>     of a broken interface to cdrecord, cdrecord historically only wanted
>     to touch SCSI devices. Ergo, a silly emulation layer that wasn't
>     really worth it.
>     The fact that nobody has bothered to fix ide-scsi seems to be a
>     result of nobody _wanting_ to really fix it.
>     So don't use it. Or if you do use it, send the fixes over.
>     Linus 

FWIW windoze uses an ide-scsi emulation for writing CDs... :-)


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