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"Preston Boyington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> John Hasler wrote:
> : Preston writes:
> :: This weekend I installed a base Debian system using the new
> :: installer. My only "problem" is after using pppconfig to setup my
> :: external modem it will activate the modem (dial and apparently
> :: connect) but I can't get apt-setup to connect to any sources to
> :: download programs. 
> : 
> : Tell us _exactly_ what you did and _exactly_ what happened.  Try 'ping
> : www.debian.org' and 'ping'.
> :: I "su" in to "pon" my provider...
> : 
> : You wouldn't need to do that if you had added your non-root
> : user as a ppp
> : user.  In pppconfig do 'Change->->Provider->Advanced->Add
> : User' and follow
> : instructions.
> : 
> tried the "add user" feature and was not able to initiate "pon"
> unless i was root (will verify when i get home).

Well, did you log out, then log back in?  Group changes do not take
effect until the next time you log in after the change.

> :: I am wondering if it may have something to do with DHCP that was
> :: setup during the install.
> : 
> : No, but why was DHCP set up?  Do you need it?  It has nothing
> : to do with
> : dialup.
> : 
> it (installer) automagically configures DHCP if a network card is
> present (unless run as "expert")

Right, but it won't try to DHCP on serial interfaces like ppp0...

 .''`.     Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    
`. `'`     proud Debian admin and user
  `-       Debian.  Because it *must* work.  debian.org   aboutdebian.com

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