On Thu, 1 Apr 2004 18:51:49 -0800
"Rodney D. Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to get a friends Dell laptop up and running.
> I ran "aptitude update && aptitude upgrade" this afternoon, and
> everything appeared to work/install.

You don't give enough information.  What are you tracking or
upgrading to?  Testing?  Unstable?

> Until I tried to run startx, which gave the "startx not found"
> When looking through the installed packages, I noticed that
> xbase-clients was not installed.
> In attempting to "aptitude install xbase-clients" it claims to be
> dependant on libvx1.

There is no package called libvx1.  There are packages called
libvx1.25 and libvx1.27c102 but xbase-clients does not depend
upon either.

There *is* a package called libxv1 (note the transposition
of letters), and the version of xbase-clients that's in
sarge and sid does depend on it.  I'm going to presume from
here on that that's what you meant, and it was a typo.  If
I'm wrong, please jump in and correct me.

> In trying to get libvx1 installed, it claims to be
> conflicting with xlibs.

libxv1 in sarge and sid requires an xlibs with a version greater
than 4.1.0.  If that's the version of xlibs you have installed,
you'll have problems.  It *should* want to upgrade that too,
though, rather than trying to remove xlibs altogether.  And if
you're tracking sarge or sid, I wouldn't expect you to have
anything from X 4.1.0 or less anyway.  So I doubt that's what's
going on.

Could you quote the actual error message, rather than just
saying "it conflicts"?


Chris Metzler                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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