On Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 07:34:44PM +0100, Clive Menzies wrote:
> On (05/04/04 20:16), Jaap Haitsma wrote:
> > Clive Menzies wrote:
> > >On (05/04/04 10:24), Mike Chandler wrote:
> > >
> > >>I understand what I need to do now, putting stuff in 
> > >>/etc/hotplug/"blacklist", but the problem is that while booting, the 
> > >>stuff goes by so fast, I can't actually pick out any names...I just can't 
> > >>see that fast!
> > >>I guess I can live with this, till the hotplug issue gets sorted out.
> > >>Thanks for the replies.
> > >
> > >You can see the boot messages by typing "dmesg"
> > >
> > This only shows the kernel messages not all the text that is printed 
> > during init.
> Thanks Jaap
> My little knowledge can be a dangerous thing ;)
> Is there a command to see everything?

In initscripts_2.85-9 there's bootlogd, which logs all the stuff that
comes from running the init.d scripts. You have to stick
"BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=Yes" in /etc/default/bootlogd.


Be kind to pigeons
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