Katipo wrote:
Roberto Sanchez wrote:
There are current known issues with nForce2/AMD combo.  It
has to do with a race condition during the C1 disconnect.
The solution is to disable APIC, either in the kernel config
or by passing apic=off (or noapic, I can't remember) on the
kernel command line.  Ever since finding out that little gem
(and swithcing to 2.6 kernel) my machine has been rock solid
stable.  I can throw anything at it, and not a single lock up.

Thanks for that.
I'd heard about the Nvidia/AMD 'freeze' glitch,
and believed it had something to do with drivers.
I'm looking at buying a board at the moment.
That advisory considerably broadened my options.


Incidentally, since you mention looking for a new board, if you plan to get an ATI video card, get a non-nVidia mobo. I really did the hat trick (nVidia mobo, AMD CPU, and ATI video card). The machine is rock solid now, but it took me several months of tweaking and tinkering. It also helped when Biostar released a BIOS update that fixed some of the most glaring problems with Linux.

Hope this helps,

-Roberto Sanchez

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