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First of all thanks everybody for prompt replies. 

I see the picture now and it makes me feel good :) So it looks like after 
deployment of freshly-released "stable" I have about 2 years in average to 
sleep well without dreaming of upgrades. After that I silently get latest 
"stable" from repository using, let's say, apt-get, tune/configure system and 
I'm done for next 2 years rough. Which seems to be a good lifecycle in 
comparison to, for example, fedora with stated lifecycle 6 month.
Please correct me if I'm wrong with my assumptions.

On April 20, 2004 11:13 am, Florian Ernst wrote:
> Quoting from http://www.debian.org/security/faq#lifespan :
> "The security team tries to support a stable distribution for about
> one year after the next stable distribution has been released, except
> when another stable distribution is released within this year. It is
> not possible to support three distributions; supporting two
> simultaneously is already difficult enough."

Thanks, I somehow missed  that part of documentation. 

> The stable release before Woody, called Potato, has been supported
> until June 30th, 2003 which was actually a little bit less than one
> year after the release of Woody on July 19, 2002.

that's usefull statistics. Really good number for commercial/enterprise 
deployment of Debian (3+ would be even better but 2 is good enough :) )

> > Or if old "stable" release "dies" after new is out - how one performes
> > upgrade etc (I know about apt-get but I guess there's something more
> > involved in this process)
> There are numerous update procedures. The Release Notes of the new
> release will list the recommended way. Please see
> http://www.debian.org/releases/woody/i386/release-notes/ch-upgrading
> for an example.

thanks again for valuable responses everybody and thanks for pointer to 
related documents.

- -- 
Dmitry Makovey
Web Systems Administrator
Athabasca University
(780) 675-6245
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (FreeBSD)


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