On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 12:12:48PM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
> I'm critiquing the axiom, not the example.  By his rules some elections
> with quorums do not have a democratic outcome.

That's not what's important: by his rules some elections that _meet_
quorum don't have a "democratic" outcome. The quorum issue's irrelevant.

> > In more detail, and multiplied, the example is:
> >     D defeats A by 60:50 (20:50, but multiplied by 3:1 
> >                           supermajority requirement)
> >     A defeats B by 60:10
> >     B defeats D by 50:20
> > ...and the question is which defeat to eliminate: B v D because it's
> > weaker, or A v B, because A can never win anyway. Given that A can't
> > possibly win by assumption (it failed its supermajority requirement),
> > I'm not seeing why it's not sensible to say "well, most people would
> > rather `B' than further discussion, so let's go with `B'".
> The issue here is the impact of transitive defeats.  Should options
> whith supermajority requirements have their votes scaled with respect
> to options in general or only with respect to the default option?

Well, you're applying transitivity to "D defeats A" -- but remember, D
*didn't* actually defeat A -- most people actually preferred A to D. Is
it really fair to extend that "false-defeat" to let D defeat B as well,
in direct contradiction to what the voters actually said?

> > Which is to say that "if option X doesn't defeat the default option by
> > its supermajority requirement, it is ignored" seems to be fairer than
> > considering defeats by the default option as especially strong.
> Define "fairer" -- the definition of "fair" is the crux of this issue.

That's easy: most in line with what the voters actually want.


Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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