On Tue, 20 May 2003 22:43:59 +0200, Matthias Urlichs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> Hi, You actually propose two separate amendments. Please don't do
> that, it smells of politics.  :-/

> John H. Robinson, IV wrote:
> - 2. If the ballot has a quorum requirement R any options other
> - than the default option which do not receive at least R votes
> - ranking that option above the default option are dropped from
> - consideration.
> + 2. If the ballot has a quorum requirement R, and less then R votes
>          are
> + cast, the entire vote is thrown out.  The amendment may be
>          withdrawn,
> + or a discussion period may be resumed at the sponsor's discretion.

> I think I like this change.

        Apart from the fact that a ballot having a quorum may not be
 well defined; this amendment is superfluous, since if less than R
 votes are cast, then no option gets R votes, so all options are
 discarded, and the vote is invalidated anyway.

> + 3. Any option with a supermajority requirement which does not
>          defeat
> + the default option by its required majority ratio is dropped from
> + consideration.
> - 3. Any (non-default) option which does not defeat the default
>          option
> - by its required majority ratio is dropped from consideration.

> The point of wording it the "old" way was that any option which is
> ranked below the default by a majority is removed before starting
> the algorithm.  That is intentional; otherwise, a case can be
> constructed where such an option could win, which is Not Good.

> I'd reject this change.


Mind your own business, then you don't mind mine.
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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