On Wed, 7 Jan 2004 14:45:34 -0500, Dale E Martin

> I understand your point.  But it's obvious to me that making a
> change will require effort above and beyond making it.  If the
> initial change is most of the cost, perhaps it's worth it.

> What if today we put in a CNAME for nonfree.org to debian.org and
> then configured apache to not show non-free directories for people
> coming in on debian.org http requests?  (Ignore ftp and rsync for
> the moment for the sake of discussion.)  Would doing just _that
> much_ be too much of an inconvience to the users?  If it is, then
> what would it take to make that much of a change palatable?

        I do not think thast would be too much inconvenience, no.
 Indeed, creating such an alternative would cause me to change my
 stance.  I am mostly opposed to "just drop the support, if it was
 that important it shall magically materialize" aspects of the

> Agreed.  I came into this discussion thinking the removal of
> non-free was "obviously" a good idea.  I'm still not sure what the
> right answer is (there is a lot of rhetoric and intellectual
> masturbation clouding the real discussion).  Overall, I guess that
> like always it's going to be an "action is louder than words"
> situation, and until someone cares enough to create a parallel
> nonfree.org and work out all of the details, the status quo will
> remain.  The irony is that it's probably going to have to be someone
> who is very pro-removal of nonfree who does it.

        I would be willing to take time away from Debian in order to
 help support such an insfrastructure.

To have died once is enough. Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil)
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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