Foreword: Do NOT take my answers seriously. I'm trying to make people

> Here are my questions:
>   1. My concern is to propagate Custom Debian Distributions because
>      I think we should set a stronger focus to the end user.  I see
>      Debian as a missing link between upstream developers and end
>      users and Custom Debian distributions are a good way to care for
>      end users.
>      What are your plans according to Custom Debian Distributions?

Easy one. As seen on debian-devel@ recently, Progeny (I think, correct
me if I'm wrong) has this Componentized Linux idea. Which is all nice
and good, and should help custom distros all right. So, the plans are
set straight already.

However, this would involve changing our release process, which
obviously involves the release manager, adding support for them into
dpkg and apt and possibly other tools. While the DPLs job is not to code
them, but management, my plan is to organise s3kr1t meetings with random
people, thus annoy the hell out of the people who should do the job, so
after a time, they get so upset, that they code the support in a day or
two, just to make my efforts worthless, and then point and laugh at me.

>   2. Recently we had some flamewars about concentration of "power" for
>      some people inside Debian.  While I'm much more relaxed than many
>      others and save my time for work instead of fighting flame wars
>      I have one certain question here.  How do you see the role of
>      James Troup in the project?

James is a good guy, and he we should thank $DEITY we have him. We
should not say bad things about him, because he controls the black
halicopters, so shhh....

>      While I think that he did a great job in terms of finding technical
>      solutions he absolutely fails in communication with people.  This
>      starts with the fact that he is known to actively maintain a quite
>      long killfile (accompanied with the ability to ignore requests
>      of people) and ends with the inability to accept critics to his
>      person.  While I have no personal problems to cope with those
>      people I noticed that this behaviour of a person who is doing
>      not only one important job for the project does harm to the Debian
>      project in general.  I had several private discussions with
>      outsiders.  For instance one opinion was that the persion would
>      not apply as New Maintainer as long as James Troup is ruling
>      Debian.  (Please note: I do not think that James Troup is really
>      ruling Debian - I was just quoting.)

If that person does not have a skin hard enough to bear James, he
shouldn't come near Debian at all! There's MUCH worse than James
awaiting him... (just make him report an upstream bug against a random
gnome package maintained by Marillat)

Besides, James is nowhere near ruling Debian. My overweight tamagotchi
is, obviously.

>      So what are your plans to enhance communication with people on
>      important positions in Debian and how do you think that important
>      jobs might be split onto different shoulders?

To enhance communication, especially between people who have problems
talking with each other, we should utilise proxy-persons, who receive
all their mails between the two problematic persons, and rewrod them in
a way so that it pleases the other one. This way, slowly they learn how
to co-operate well, and the proxy person can find another two victims.

>   3. Do you think Debian should continue to support non-free?

No. Non-free should die a horrible death. If it were up to me, I'd
delete it even from the archives, and erase even the memory of it from
people's minds.

>   A. Meta-question:  Do you know that your jpb as a Debian leader has
>      the consequence to travel in several countries all over the world
>      which might lead to the situation that some countries handle you
>      like a criminal by taking your finger prints?  I personally would
>      not like to be handled like a criminal and thus I did not accepted
>      the invitation to a conference in Texas.

I have no problems travelling around the world, provided I can sail in
my beloved ship, the Black Pearl.. Oh, and the countries I sail to must
accept, that I am the mighty pirate, Gergelybrush Nagywood, the one who
killed the ghost pirate LeSCO! Oh, fame and fortune, and the beatufil

Oops, sorry. Got carried away.

Since I'm still studying, and being a poor little hungarian student
(note to self: insert paypal account info here), I am unable to to
travel a lot. However, other countries are free to invide Hungary, and
bring all the conferences here so I can attend.

> Thanks for supporting Debian by volunteering for leadership

If my nomination is to be considered worthy support for Debian, we are
in reeeeeeeal touble! >;)

Gergelybrush Nagywood

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