Bas Wijnen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 11:40:11AM +0100, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
>> I would like to point out that I had already resolved not to run for DPL
>> this time due to the small amount of free time available to me in the
>> next year. I will *not* make being DPL my top priority in the next year,
>> real life issues (finishing my studies, most notably) are more important
>> to me. Electing me as DPL will also reduce the time I can spend on
>> release tasks, new maintainer stuff and package maintainance.
> While I see you have good reasons not to run, you still candidate
> yourself.  I'm interested to know why. :-)

I think that having someone I more or less trust as DPL, even if he has
not enough time to do all that he wants to do, is better than the
confusion when no-one candidates. Also, I fear a bit that if noone
candidates, someone I wouldn't like as DPL [1] might throw their hat in
the ring 5 minutes before the nomination period ends, ending up as the
only choice next to NOTA on the ballot.


[1]  No, I don't have a list of such people
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