Lucas Nussbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On 05/03/08 at 13:49 +0100, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
>> Also, I fear a bit that if noone
>> candidates, someone I wouldn't like as DPL [1] might throw their hat in
>> the ring 5 minutes before the nomination period ends, ending up as the
>> only choice next to NOTA on the ballot.
>     Constitution for the Debian Project (v1.3)
> [...]
> 5. Project Leader
> [...]
>   5.2. Appointment
> [...]
>     6. The options on the ballot will be those candidates who have
>        nominated themselves and have not yet withdrawn, plus None Of The
>        Above. If None Of The Above wins the election then the election
>        procedure is repeated, many times if necessary.
> So, nothing too dramatic if what you feared had happened.

That I consider someone not to be a good candidate for DPL doesn't mean
they won't be ranked over NOTA by a majority of people.

> Also, the classic answer to "I don't have enough time" is "delegate".
> Are you planning, if elected, to create some sort of DPL team? Don't you
> think that it will allow you to be a "good enough" DPL despite your lack
> of free time?

Yes. As I've written in my platform [1], I would like to delegate one
area of the DPL's tasks to other people: Presenting Debian to the rest
of the world, for example at conferences. My schedule allows for many
small time slots to be used for Debian activities, but it's quite hard to
free up a few days to go somewhere, hold a talk and speak with
people. As I believe this to be important, the delegation of this task
is one of the things I have planned.

For the rest of the DPL's tasks, I haven't made a decision yet: Doing
all the work alone doesn't seem to be a good idea, but I have to admit
that I can hardly describe areas of authority that can (and should) be
delegated. On the other hand, I don't see a problem with solving this
dynamically, asking people for help whenever I notice a problem coming

In my platform, various goals touch the issue of collecting and
distributing information. In the past, my release team work has often
included similar tasks, which I have usually solved by finding people
who are experts on a certain area and thus could give me the needed
information easily. I plan on doing something similar as DPL.

> The same question can be asked as "will you be our "DPL team" candidate,
> or are we still looking for someone to fill that role?"

I have contacted a few people about helping out with the tasks above
(and some I plan to contact) but I can't hand out a definite list of
people who are willing to help me at this time.


[1]  Soon to appear on, for now on
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