On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 07:28:43PM +0000, Neil McGovern wrote:
> As 2K developers have now seconded this GR, and the GR itself calls for
> a suspension of a Delegate's decision, an immediate procedural vote is
> called for if the decision is to stand while the GR process is followed,
> as per 4.2.2 of the constitution.

For reference, this will now not take place, as the original GR has been
amended to not include the decision reversal text.

i get an error... i forget what it is ... but definitely an error, well, maybe
a warning... or an informational message... but definitely an output
   Verbatim quote from #debian, irc.freenode.net, Sat Jan 12 00:31:16 GMT 2008

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