On Tue, Dec 02, 2014 at 10:50:30PM -0500, Michael Gilbert wrote:
> Disbanding the TC would likely do more harm than good.  There would be
> no way to conclude a disagreement.
> I suggested this before:
>     TC actions should be limited solely to disagreement mediation, and only 
> when
>     that doesn't involve a conflict of interest pertaining to one of
> the TC members,
>     and only when all other attempts at reconciliation have tried and failed.
> I would like to see all of section 6.1 removed and replaced by
> something simple, limited, and to the point like that.
In that case we also need to make it easier to control the TC actions:
relax the requirements to override a decision and to remove a member, add
some provisions (at least think about it) for cases when the TC or its
members break the rules or procedures (by not recusing oneself, by acting
before trying to seek consensus, by making detailed design work etc.).


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