On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 09:57:28AM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> Neil,
> in your platform, you advocate PPAs and modernising our build and
> infrastructure.
> What's the DPL's role in this? Or, put differently, couldn't you
> just start working on this without the DPL hat? Why not? What's the
> difference here?

I think this to be two-fold.

Firstly, by putting it explicitly in my platform it makes it clear that
it's a high priority item for the project if I'm elected as DPL. If
people don't view that as something important, than that's fine too - we
have other candidates who I'm sure would love your first preference vote

Secondly, the DPL position holds the ability to influence external
parties more than others. The conversations we can have to try and get
external interest in getting this (finally) off the ground is much
easier as DPL than not.


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