On 15347 March 1977, Michael Meskes wrote:

But yes, depending on/with some events/companies, speaking as a DPL
will be perceived much more strongly. Any "normal" DD won't be heard.
If that is the case, and if its sufficient, a delegation can be good.

Are you saying you would delegate the role of making-presentations-as-
DPL? Or are you planning to do it yourself? Having met Chris all over
the world I do think DPL speaking engagements do involve a bit of
traveling and from my own personal experience, doing that with small
children at home is not ideal to say the least.

I'm saying that sometimes People want to hear the DPL. I don't think
that is something one can delegate, you either are, or are not, the DPL.

And yes, in my original sentence a *not* is missing, it should have read
"If that is NOT the case, ..., a delegation can be good".

Now, me and travelling: I don't think I will be travelling as much as
others do/have done. But I am not planning to just stay home. I am
prepared (and my family too) to attend events as DPL.

bye, Joerg

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