Thanks for taking the time to go through this and other people's
questions, Sam.

On 3/20/19 3:04 AM, Sam Hartman wrote:
> I've been kind of confused by all the discussions of changing our
> governance to permit this.  The constitution is quite flexible in this
> area already.
> There are a couple of corner cases that could be discussed after the
> election.  As an example as was pointed out earlier here, Debian France
> does not currently permit the DPL to delegate expenditure approval
> authority.

I can't speak for everyone that has raised questions about this, but my
question hasn't been about the "can it be done", but about the "can it
be made clear and permanent" - as an incentive for the future.

If DPL Team/Committee worked, and delegations start to feel more
permanent (delegated functions make sense, terms are long) then why
wouldn't a few of those delegates become Debian Leadership Team members
alongside DPL, tech-ctte chair and Secretary? Why wouldn't the "Debian
Spokesperson" role, a formal one that could get invited by any event
organizer like a DPL would, be a Constitution-regulated one? Why
wouldn't the Constitution say the DPL Team/Committee makes decision by
consensus, or via Standard Resolution Procedure.

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