Hey Laura

I'm moving your question to the top since it makes it easier to reply

> What are your views on this?

On 2019/03/29 15:23, Laura Arjona Reina wrote:
> Sometimes I feel that having a (single person) DPL role is somehow
> harmful for people to get involved in these tasks:
> - the elected person gets so squeezed that after their service they just
> prefer to focus in other tasks,

I agree that an overloaded DPL role can be harmful to both Debian and
the individual in the role. I think it's important for a DPL to take a
step back every now and again and look at the various properties of the
role and ask "Is this working?". If elected, I do plan on filing bugs
against the DPL role if I feel that something can do with improvement.
Discussion on that topic might result in some form of DPL guidelines
document, or in extreme cases a constitutional change. I also support
the idea of various support roles and team to the DPL, although I don't
think the DPL role should be outright replaced by a team.

> - the non-elected get depressed and don't continue contributing
> ideas/work to advance Debian in these areas,

I think that's a good question! I considered the effects of losing the
race right when I decided to jump in, and decided to go in to this with
the attitude that even if I lose, the topics that we discuss and explore
should be useful to Debian. If I'm not elected I will not consider these
weeks wasted time, in fact I have worked on developing some ideas that I
will try to take forward either way. At times I've been more concerned
about the others than myself in this regard, but I think this year
they're all big people and can handle it.

> - the watchers just focus on DPL'ship (if they fit or not) and thus the
> more granularity in commitment (via the involvement in these teams) is
> overlooked.

I'm not 100% sure I understand your comment about the watchers, but I
think elections can be exciting and can be highly participative, and it
can be healthy for a wide range of debianites to come together and think
about the future of Debian as we do during times like these.

> - the team members may continue overloaded until they decide they just
> need a break, and are not sure if all this flourish of ideas is tied to
> the DPL role ("having a hat", the "campaign period"...), or the people
> contributing to the debates (and the candidates) are motivated enough to
> get involved even if they are not elected :-)

Also a good point, it seems like there's a spike in ideas during the DPL
campaign season and not so much the rest of the time, while in reality
any DD can come forward with an idea any time. I think it really just
shows that there is more value in the process than just choosing our
next head cheerleader, but at the same time as a project, we can
probably do more to bring good ideas to the front the rest of the year.

If I misunderstood any of your questions and didn't properly answer,
feel free to poke :)


  ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀  Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) <jcc>
  ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  Debian Developer - https://wiki.debian.org/highvoltage
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